Stardew valley save editor allows pond
Stardew valley save editor allows pond

stardew valley save editor allows pond

NPCs may be put in specific locations that tell a ‘story’ or show something about the character. Or the creator may not wish to play the good old game of ‘shuffle the NPC around the board until nobody complains’.

stardew valley save editor allows pond

We cannot test our characters with every single mod installed, past, present and future, and although it is common courtesy to try and avoid overlaps where possible, places to move them may be limited. Spirit’s Eve, for example, is extremely crowded. Note that some of the larger mods (ie: Ridgeside) have a configurable option to turn their NPCs ‘off’ from attending festivals. Here’s a simple (?) guide on how you can move them yourself.

  • Determine which of the two NPCs you want to move.
  • Unless you particularly want one to remain where it is, the first step would be to see when each mod was last updated. Stardew valley save editor allows me to move/delete pond mod#
  • Stardew valley save editor allows me to move/delete pond mod#.

  • Stardew valley save editor allows pond